Whiskey Mountain. William Grefé, 1977.
Edition screened: Included in Arrow Blu-ray box set He Came from the Swamp: The William Grefé Collection, released 2020. English language. Runtime approximately 90 minutes.
Summary: No depictions of violence or harm to animals.
Learned from watching this set of films is that Grefé has no particular aesthetic. A style does emerge, more the inevitable consequence of repeating processes than a vision or intention, but there is no aesthetic determiner beyond the signature underwear dance shoehorned into the script when possible. Rather, Grefé simplifies and converts whatever is popular at the moment within the limits of his resources. Whiskey Mountain collects some horrifying aspects of Deliverance and combines them with the despair of Straw Dogs. Trail bike riding through Moronland rather than white water rafting through Moronland is the big distinction. If you’re going to galivant around with your smug citified ways, then you best do that trespassing at home.